Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Discovery of "Icing Smiles...."

When I was laying with my daughter last night, while she fell asleep, I was searching my phone for Facebook updates, the latest news on CNN, email, cake blogs, etc.  I came across a volunteer organization that provides "wow" cakes to children that are ill or terminally ill.  Ok, my initial thought was, OMG.....are you kidding me?  This is PERFECT for me.  I have been beating myself up for years becaue I had my first Golden Retriever, "Cody," trained to be a therapy dog, who I could eventually take to local hospitals to visit sick patients, or nursing home patients, etc.  After I had him trained, I became pregnant and two kids later you can fill in the blank, but basically I have had no time to bring him around to the hospitals.  So now I am faced with the choice of baking and decorating awesome cakes for a sick child?  This couldn't be a better match for me, my situation, my time constraints/availability, etc.  I have always had a huge place in my heart for childrent that are faced with challenges bigger than they are, and I would LOVE to bring a smile to a childs face by making a special cake for them.  So I signed up.  Hopefully my phone rings soon, with my first opportunity.  There is nothing better when "caking," to be able to think about during every last minute detail, that my artistic creation will make them smile.

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